The effects of electromagnetic waves on the human body attract attention.BC electromagnetic wave measurement instruments can measure the strength of electromagnetic waves and check the status of invisible electromagnetic waves.When the volume switch is turned on, the intensity of electromagnetic waves can be recognized in high and low volume.Although efforts are lagging behind in Japan, Europe and the United States, we are the first to consider the impact on the human body.Legislation has been developed for standards of protection from electromagnetic waves, and standardization of electromagnetic methods measuring waves advancing.By continuing exposure to electromagnetic waves, it has been pointed out that headaches, strangulation, fatigue, decreased concentration, dizziness, nausea, impulse, eye pain, stiff shoulders, joint pain, blood pressure fluctuations, and can cause sleep disorders.The following facilities generate electromagnetic waves include:High voltage power transmission lineStationThe distance weakens the electromagnetic wave, but if there is a high voltage power transmission line or a substation near the living environment, the electromagnetic wave measuring instrument can recognize the strength of the electromagnetic wave.Electromagnetic waves are created in many household appliances at home.TVElectromagnetic cooker (IH cooking heater)Microwave ovenFridgeBlenderElectric stovethe soundDryer and washing machineHot plateConditionersIn general, high-energy products often generate electromagnetic waves. Note that the AC adapter is surprisingly electromagnetic waves.Products include the following:It is a product with great effect because electromagnetic waves are strong and continue to receive electromagnetic waves in short-term scanning for a long period.Electric blanketElectric blanketElectric carpetKotatsu ElectricComputerThe following products used near the head also have a great impact on the human body.mobileHair dryerThe state of the electromagnetic wave can be measured in the room with the BC electromagnetic wave measuring instrument.Electromagnetic waves are also generated from wires an integral part of the walls of the house.The wallRoofWordEspecially during sleep, it is important because it is affected by long-term free resistance.We hope you can help improve your sleeping environment by measuring the bedroom with the BC electromagnetic wave measuring device and adjusting the bedroom, position, outlet and position of household appliances.